Bid Documents

As projects move from the design to implementation phase, they will be posted for contractors to bid on. Standard contract documents have been provided and should be used where applicable.

Current Open Construction Projects:

Tab Title

There are currently no open construction projects for bid.

Current Open Engineering RFPs:

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There are currently no open engineering RFPs.

Design and Construction Documents

East of Hudson Watershed Corporation Standard Contract Documents

Prepared by the design team of Woodard and Curran, Paggi Engineering, and Rennia Engineering Design.  This Work Plan serves as the road map for future work and projects which may be implemented by the EOHWC.  Not all projects will be undertaken, and the EOHWC reserves the right to add more projects as they become available.

East of Hudson Watershed Corporation Design Manual

The latest revision of the design manual implemented by the EOHWC for design of all retrofit practices was updated on Feburary 15, 2018 to include StormBasin as an acceptable SMP. The manual includes all specifics for submittals to the EOHWC, design standards, and variances granted by the NYSDEC.

East of Hudson Watershed Corporation Years 6-10 Work Plan

Prepared by the design team of Woodard and Curran, Paggi Engineering, and Rennia Engineering Design.  This Work Plan serves as the road map for future work and projects which may be implemented by the EOHWC.  Not all projects will be undertaken, and the EOHWC reserves the right to add more projects as they become available.

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